
Showing posts from March, 2020

Rajasthan beauty!

where ancient scriptures speak Old stones of the great walls feel The sword runs from one head to other where water is as precious as a piece of diamond where the architecture speaks the glory of victory where the wind kissing the large red buildings where Guest is prior then family.. where they prove the verb... "Padharo Mare Desh"

Blank sky:)

Blank sky The last night he prepared all the important Questions and the algorithms are given by his favorite teacher. He searched some of famous and worthy reviewed websites and pointed down the important trichs and methods of flowless coding. When he finally got the venue date and place with the timings he opened the glassdoor website for a better understanding of the company. The company was holding a very good review and have already rated five stars. He then went for sleeping. On the morning at almost8 o clock he woke up. After completing all his morning the routine he got ready for the pre-scheduled interview. "Today definitely I will get the opportunity that I have applied through the Internet" He was thinking those thoughts all the way to the predestined sophisticated office. After a struggle of almost one hour, he somehow managed to reach his destination by the direction of Google Maps. "Is it Brotalk Solution?? He


have you felt the pain of 52 bone fracture?? she did. have you fed the last portion of food to someone? she did have you ever cried for someone's pain? she did have your priority dies on the shake of others?? she did  have you witnessed your own destruction?? she witnessed she did things you can't even imagine ever! she is above the god  she is our beloved Mother. Lve you maa!!


Have faith in almost everything... have hope on the last thread of your life as hope is the best thing you can say the best of all things... just look the evening sun it comes again to the earth's surface  Only for the H ope of all creatures!

Engineering life..

Fighting for almost for small reasons...To getting upset for the daily created love of another branch Bonking the laboratory class to eating in between the classes making excuses for nothing to creating an issue for everything exploring various fields to know nothing about our own stream making fun of all to care for each other sincerity from the first semester to left the eighth semester... I passed out the Engineering!

Rajdhani express : A night journey.

Shadow of the trees was slowly passing with the heavy wind ... Moon was playing hide and seek with each and every window of the moving train... One can surely feel the fragrance of happiness under the tough roof of my Rajdhani express! I was counting the Ironpoles that were running behind but, I failed on the last of every attempt. The cold breeze was kissing the surface of the train without the permission of the govt authorities you can feel the unconditional attachment of them. On last the tuning of my favorite song of my all-time fav singer was adding... more charm to that spectacular journey...!

Heart : a thought changer

If required one day... I will prove in fact have enough evidence oh my dearest... "The world's most valuable thing is your Heart " as it has the ability to swing you and your thoughts on every fraction!

A letter..

My love... I am leaving you with all those moments which we created on our little world of emotion... Yes, I am leaving you alone as papa's job taking me somewhere apart from you and your thoughts... One request please stop your tears I am leaving you..but my love is not! I know I must have a dark world full of sorrows and pain without your presence. Do not angry upon me from this moment, because I will not be there to wipe out your anger. Never make a move to that bank of the river we spent a lot of memories... you will feel alone as I can't be with you. Stop crying my king I know you are! please stop! Look ever don't try to harm yourself my heart is with you even my body is somewhere else... I am leaving...Love you!

Terrific war...

Majestic victories are always... the front page of the book called  TerrificWAr that often go through pages like... "sacrifices, killing,  losses, poverty, demolition & an end of civilization"

The eternal mother.

The eternal mother of all the creatures of the globe sitting above the levels described by modern science Governing all the complex mechanism of the universe oh, my dear goddess, I pray on your feet of love !


on a summer evening after the terribly hot day, I soothingly looking to the roadside with few footsteps... I found... the evening golden sun rays taking back all the pain and sweat of the creatures And giving back the healing wind of evening to teach them... there is always a portion of hope with Almighty.

Love check

If you required to check your love again and again... dear friend You are not in love Else you don't deserve to be loved !!


The distance you traveled... the monuments you cross through the ways you left behind the creatures you pass through the sorrow you still have your heart the long tiredness of your soul here I can relieve all your pains forever Just be in front of me for a while oh thou my  dearest friend!!

I want to see me in you.

Have a passionate kiss... with me oh my dear love!! I wanna feel the warmth of your wet lips on this large cold sea of water. Come to me.. I wanna hold you on my every breath for a sweet feeling of togetherness. Look into my eyes... I want to see me in you through your beautiful eyes on to your soo depth Soul!

Love you, my love!

On all my poetry you are the theme on all my journey you are my partner on all my sorrow you are there on all my happiness I found you on all my pain you are the Heal... Love you, my love!

Relax your heart.

want me on to your arm? Then plz.. stop horrifying the whole universe. be calm not bother the rest of the world. make a stop on your never-ending journey. take a breathe at least before the wind stops... be relax...Just see in your Heart. I am there always for you!

Feel :Distance Relationship.

you come now to my place like you did before... you sit next to me and quarrel like you did before... kiss me I wanna feel the magnanimous feel  again... fight with me in a public place like you did before... come and have an argument for that one ship of tea... I am alone come and vanish my you did before!!

Incredible India..

we believe in humanity rather than religion we have served all community from the very beginning we believe in "Atithi Debo bhaba" culture. we have lived royalty since the ancient world we are the most kind-hearted Monk over the Globe... we are the part of IncredibleIndia

Indian Architecture!

I have witnessed a cluster of an era drowning and heading towards human civilization I have felt the inner fragrance of the great king demolition I have still stood like unbreakable Mountain I am a beautiful ancient Indian Architecture!

I am what I'm!

I am what I'm! leave me in a room I will be free Put me in a fire I will be water stock me in the bars I will blast throw me in Graveyard I will be an Aghori.

Never blame the Whiskey

If time became heard never blame god if it terrible hot day never blame the sun if Love is not working out never blame the Lover  if the peck is not strong never blame the Whisky...!

A natureKiss..

A kiss between Sun&Sky The cool breeze was flowing gently on the not so smooth roof of my Delhi flat. I was enjoying the moment you can say free moment as the Novel corona has created a Human Lockdown. The moment was so calm I can't express in words at that same moment I noticed, the vast sky,  as the sky is the only thing that has its own enjoyment without any external source you can say the Internet. I saw that home going sun or you name it sunset the sun was glowing like the burning fire of a very vast thermal industry and was gradually drowning to the depth of the Earth. At that auspicious moment, the seen was looking like the very thirsty sky is welcoming or it seems that the sky is allowing the golden sun to kiss on his Head... A moment I captured in both my mind and Mobile Phone!

A romantic Night Journey.

A thought that started revolving on my mind  a journey I started on that less sophisticated train a Window that was enough clean  a memory that I was taking care of  a moon giving his rays towards  herHeart... a truthful witness of that Journey!


RainyMemory That freezing drops of rain that old but dashing umbrella that sweet moment of togetherness that thrumble rainy smile of your that wet lips of your..... I remember always whenever cloud dances in the sky!

Her soul..

I am.. still searching those strong parts of her soul  but.. always ended getting soft and kind corners...

Love of deserT

Far away in the desert of thar... I can only see the immortal souls... Begging for a drop of EternalLove to live the  MortalLive again!


Don't upset that I can't reach you ... Don't hesitate about the kilometers between us... Don't panic if you can't see me twice a week... After all Distance matters to the body Souls meet every second!

Love : ThouHeart:)

Stop bothering me... oh, my Heart... go and take care of ... your Original Master I gave Thou!

Novel corona virus

I have seen...  a thousand lives fighting for food I have also seen...  thousands of lives wasting food! #Bekind #NovelCorona


KindlovE I saw the flow of love in the deepest region of your heart.. that you spread always on my every demand. i feel the outburst kindness of your soul... that you act always on my every anger.


I always... frightened of losing her soul. Else... I never loved her Body!


Have you ever loved the burning coal..? try once even you fear to heat. Have you ever tried the ship of whiskey..? try once even you fear for the hangover. Have you ever tried to love your crush one..? try once even you fear to lose self-esteem. #tryOnce


every thought of your feels when... the heart starts missing you every drop counts when ... the reason behind the tears is  you!

A day on the sea:)

A day on the sea ph1... My wait over when I finally feel her scent smell, she loves to use. I look back she was right back into my Scooty. "Finally, you came baby" I replied with a smile. Am I came late? she said with a blush on her face as she knew she already late.  "Let's go," she said in confirmation to make a journey towards the Sea situating few kilometers aways from Her hostel. after a few kilometer journeys, she cuddled my face thinking of my anger as she came late although I wasn't angry rather, I was happy to see her after a few days gap. I'm sorry yaar the hostel warden was not there soi have to wait for the gate to open otherwise you now na I always come on time. she was still giving reasons about the uninformed late though I was not said a single word.  "Let's eat something its already 10 o clock I know you didn't have your breakfast as you came early to my town." She said. i denied the offer of the sweet

hold my hand

I find... many ways to relieve my stress  I shout... many echos to remove my anger  I crossed.. many seas to calm my sight  but.. All lastly ended on away to... your heart.
Image Try not to leave my hand..else be Ready to see me in the graveYard:)