
Showing posts from April, 2020

Irfan khan

He has one of the core versatile actors of the Indian cinema An enlightened star of the century The pure actor and the actor suitable and fit for all character He has the grand capability of being engaged with the emotion of his audiences. The Indian international actor starting his career from... Salam Bombay (1988) to English Medium(2020) We will miss you, sir, Rest in peace. you will always there on our hearts.

ways to be her:)

To-do Never fake yourself or your love. Be pure to your level best accent. Choose the right one, not the impressed one. Lie not other she knows the secret before you. Read her soul's face means less on the love. Attentive to the thought lines may change at any moment. Feel her more say her less. Near-her List the things close to her heart. Follow her dream by a co-worker. Match the footsteps that she walks on her way. If required kiss her don't hesitate. If required scold her but in private. In public, she is Queen mind.


the celebration was at the peak of the success party all the guests including the state head and the collector busy with the political discussion. She entered from the main door the black saree of her attracting all the smile of her red lips the imported perfume from London Especially all were starring on the Dimond neckless she wore as a gift from ...:)

night star:)

If I die one day... became one  of the thousand twinkling stars on the night sky forget not to say "Hello" looking up to the sky:)

Love Quotes for her:)

what's there on the other deal of the outer world I have my own running business ruining on your heart what else to give importance to the outer unite of the souls I have my own enlightened lamp lightening onto your deep soul

withholding you:)

I...... want to see the beauty of the whole world I wanna taste all the cousins of all over the countries I wanna feel the changing climates of all over the regions of the continents I wanna amaze my self by the cast beauty of all the seventh wonders I wanna do all my soul wants to do. withholding your hand.

A girl on the window

A girl on the window if beauty has its picture then this is it. the day was going to end with all its tiredness and restless work the young evening was taking place his feet on to the earth the speedy train moving on his rails taking all passenger's emotion and attachments the wind was entering into all the compartments of the train without the permission The girl looking out of the window have seemed to have a bulk of thought son her mind From her fresh face, one can notice the silent enjoyment of her perhaps she was counting the mountains the trees crossing her window of the train.

romantic rain:)

The sweet feeling of sitting together under the roof end when it is raining heavily outside. Holding your hands and looking the raindrops touching the hot soil Addition to the awesome smell of the wet soil the cloudy dark sky & you! is a perfect combination of the Rainy Era.

Village Love.

the conversation between eyes the smile of both while crossing each other on the narrow way to the village temple. the letter containing love inside revolves one hand to another in search of the correct recipient. the late-night dark meeting between the young lovers behind the back door of the house. Always add charm on to the village life:)

Gurudwara Bangala Sahib :Delhi

with the holy entrance of the giant golden gates of the god with every footstep towards the main dom of Sadguru Sri Bangla Sahib. with the holy touch of the white wide pieces of marble with the devotional atmosphere of the surrounding with the flow of devotion between the devotee yo will feel the graceful bliss of the ever supreme god of the universe with humble and devotion you head will bow down on the feet of Sri Sadgurur Bangala sahib!

Desert of United Arabian Emirates:)

The terrible hot weather The ever not ending search for water The dark eyes The white getups The widen feet of the camel The master and his rule The process of obeying footsteps The safari of Pajero The sandy golden areas all you will find there... on the Desert of Abu Dhabi Dubai.


While looking at the twinkling stars of the dark midnight sky lying down on the green garden behind the courtyard of their house having his palm on her palm they trying to  understand the complex structure of the giant modified universe. Love was in between their eye contact. Gently blowing wind was helping their unite process to be stronger more then they imagine.

Room stiil holds

My room still holds My room still holds the smells of  your favorite fragrance the black oak bench of the south corner o f the drawing-room of mine still holds your shadow I forced you to stay as the rain starts slowly but you denied my offer seeing the unexpected call of your mother. That was quite an expresso memorable feeling that... I still hold on the full written pages of my diary.


The light rays that come through the window of my house brings me an ocean of hope to my heart The cool wind of the northern Odisha brings tons of calm shooting feeling on to my soul thought me the ways to victory upon the devilDark.

Post Covid-19

the positive impact of Covid-19 After a long time gap of the busy scheduled life people can finally able to spend some time with their family they share the immense thought of the old times the childhood memory got to live again with the flow of love.


Lifo-O-birtH May the god bless our love May you be with me always... holding my hand Life afterlife Birth after birth


Thousands of years I will spend with you thousands of mountains I can pass with you thousands of stars I can hold with you thousands of memory I can create with you thousands of seas I can swim with you thousands of lives I can live with you.. thousands of difficulty I can handle with you you are the ever soulmate of my heart.

Prasadm -Puri Dham

Jagannatha Mahaprabhu At the holy country of India you will find a lot of popular and worldwide known temples like... Puri Jagannatha, Tirupati Balaji, Siridi Sai temple, Vaishno Devi , Kedarnath and many more. every worship place has held its ancient traditional rules and regulations for devotees. but if you consider the Jagannatha Dham Puri... It has its special significance and pure tales on the consumption of its Prasadam. The ethnic traditional value elaborates the devotees that... " The more you will consume the Prasadam on a happy mood within the joy the more you will get the holy grace of the supreme lord Jagannatha." So every pilgrim never returns in the empty stomach from the Lion gate of Jagannatha temple ever in the history.

Rita Hayward

The Shawshank redemption (1994) I have watched the movie more than fifty times in my college life The story was quite touchy and interesting A banker or you can say a wife killing banker how successfully escaped through the hundred-yard tunnel of a very old Sawashank jail. star cast including great "Morgan freeman" has played a versatile role. But... The major attraction was "Rita Hayward" for most of the young students like me who started watching Hollywood movies in sudden.

Chariot Festival(Nabadinatmak GhosoYatra)

JagannthaMahaprabhu The supreme lord... The Lord of the universe comes out for his beloved devotees. The ever widen roads of the streets of puri holds around lakhs of pilgrims. Every devotee's eyes get wet with full of tears in the excitement of seeing their most loved god " Jagannatha " The lakhs of souls keep waiting on beneath the heavy sun rays to collab with their heartiest supreme soul Flowers garlands offerings all were in wait of the supreme god of the whole universe. the soil becomes the god the wind becomes the god the rays of the sun become the god the wheels become the god the street become the god the chariots become a god when... The " Jagannatha Mahaprabhu " comes on the nine days chariot festival (Nabadinatmak GhosoYatra)on the holy soil of puri on the demand of their loved devotees.


Every evening our passion turns into a profession we dress up on the demand of our audience toe hurts with every dollar exchange the rhythm goes high with the rise of the night we accept audience as our love it is our street we are its dancer .


O n to that last thirst moment on the search of the water on the very depth of the hot desert every inch was kept burning while searching the water flows upon the burning gray soil on barefoot the daily struggle for the pure drinkable water lasts up to the monsoon The value of water you will understand... when you will live a life in the Thar desert .

Indian tea.

Indian mornings usually always starts with the smell of the strong aroma of TEA Everybody including all levels of people has their own instruments to full fill the addiction of the Darjiling TEA Though it is Sunday or any other day of the weak tea is a must for the beginning of any type of work The hot tea travels a long distance from the little stall of the roadside to the higher-profile offices & to the sophisticated malls. The journey of the TEA  is old but ever fresh on the minds of Indian people.

Queen RaniLaxmibai

The major part of the royal palace The important activities of the courtiers The caretaking of the armory section The overall information about the line of control of her territory all being responsibly handled by the brave ancient Ruler... Queen RaniLaxmibai

village : a memory.

The morning cleanness of the roads the murmuring of wild birds the devotion flow of the temple priest the aroma of the morning food preparation on the wood the calm sunrise on the east the farmers going to the fields for daily work the newly married bride the children playing on the street the meetings on the temple Varanda. all I found on the lap of my sweet village.

my CigarSmokee.

I am the king of my own dark sky you will have to... submit the permission of love to enter on to it. I have a pinkish shadow of the last wall of my villa you will have to... drive that vintage car of your to enter on to it. I have clouds of smoke of my last cigarette you will have to... bring a pack of Nigerian cigar to enter o to it.

Emotion of my Mother

while had a video conversation with my mother on last night she asked me... "Have you finished your dinner, Are you alright ?" while asking me those questions I could see her eyes were completely wet and she was outbursting her emotion towards her son. "yes, mom dinner is over." I replied. Though I have not had a single portion of food that night...

I am holding yoU.

I searched thee poem of that melodious gramophone play... that mold evening was quite righteous on my back memory the white-colored diamond set I brought you from Sri Lanka was matching the ethnic white saree of yours. Holding a parish glass of crystal clear vodka when I tried to shook with the slow Arabian music beats I could slowly be feeling our young age beauties. Mesmerizing the past era of my rolling life i somehow managed to move towards your not too far dining hall to whisper the arising thoughts of my heart. Its the memory only which stopped with me stabbing the back of the seasonal wind.. my Love.


Be on time else on your mood return to there that dark spot or to my courtyard you left my soul alone I still will always be waiting silently your footsteps... like the thirsty bird of the sky... your heart

She is my OtherHalf

I have all my secrets with him I have all my thoughts stored on his heart I have all my journey with his arms On all my planning he is included He is the other half of me.

cute bride

The happiest moment of my life will be that day when I will be in front of your door and will be waiting... to take you with me as my cute bride in your bridal getup.

our moments

After a tiring to-do list of the office hour after the complex cubical rooms of my IT department after reaching the house beating the too-long night traffic I finally come to you and this nice place of us to... Hangout freely without any fear or any stress. under the evening sky with the less warm water of this not so  long Lake.

Fresh and ever amazement to me!

Always you have compared... yourself with others in front of me. And asked me to judge, every time on your argue I muted myself Because you are incomparable... fresh and ever amazement to me!

I am here waiting..

Do not bind yourself with in a boundary my love I am here waiting for you... Only for you eagerly from the starting Because some birds are not for the cage... They have been created to  Enhance the beauty of the vast sky!

One day they must reach you!

My dearest love... you are pure. Pure like the flowing lives of..  Great Himalayas I put all my loves on that flow..within a hope that One day they must reach you!

It's our world

it's a soft feeling between us... we are taking care of It's our tiny world we made with our emotions It's our love for each other we are constructing the last few years!

Struggle :Reality of life

A journey... that was never easy A storm... that was never-ending A wallet... that was always empty A life.. that was always challenging A smile... that was never real A stomach... that was always in hunger A business... that was always in the loss.

Dark sin

sin Be my forbidden fruit Preach me the sin in sermons Be my poisonous whiskey spread all over my veins.

Jaganntha: The lord of the universe.

Tears start coming out when eyes saw your deep affectioned face... My Lord  the soul starts dancing In the joy of... meeting with the ever-favorite supreme soul The body feels so calm and harmonic and... starts offering everything that he has its own The holy moment of seeing.. your vast eyes are being saved forever by the Heart. O h thou my holy priest the god of the universe I pray to be yours.. Life after life Birth after bath

I have the passion.

I have already felt your moves I had to go through the ankle based  homework of your I have secret music with me I ace practiced a lot in the late nights I broke every move of that so touchy rhythm I have the passion of becoming you .

we are the Aghori.

we are the devotees of the great Lord Shiva we are fearless to the incidents of the virtual world Do not frighten us giving the example of mortal the death we are dying daily with eternal death... to meet with the supreme power we live in the cage  we love the dark as its the only way to meet with the great supreme light we are the part of our Lord  we are the Aghori.

D e v i l

if possible... Dug me in that dark funeral box of the graveyard Else... Be prepared to see  heaven  on your own eys. I am the live Devil you have ever seen in your small eyes.

A key..

A key is ... the ultimate power holder of a giant lock the ever required product that has a great value the small but most important factor of daily life the original iron piece everyone holding with them.


A descent flower spreading her fragrance on my tiny world A lovely soul disappearing the darkness from my busiest life A special person in my life... My daughter

Indian Army

we left tons of  things in behind that you can not even count  we sacrifice a lot of memories that you can not imagine you worry for your family we serve the Nation we are the IndianArmy .

My beloved master,

My beloved master... I am at your service since the world started constructing his Nobel shape for the betterment of the late created creature. Fr a single moment also... if you will separate me from your presence Alas... my supreme guide I will disappear completely from your world

P r i s o n e R:)

Every inch of my skin knows the address of your heart Every drop of my tear knows the pain of your heart Every place I visited in the past has a footprint of yours. I am a prisoner of your Heart, my Love.

L a m P:)

night lamp:) what else to beg... To o the cruel world? What else to expect... From those face-hiding morons? What else to give... Those waste street beggars? when I have my own light to... lighten my own dreams.

i am so innocent..they think.

i am so innocent that even a hug can cure all my pain i am so innocent that the can hide anything from me i am so trustful that they can stab a knife behind my neck i am so innocent that they already killed me i am so innocent..they think.

whom to blame??

when you have the duplicate key of your own  house when you don't have the authorization on anyone when you struggle with your own people when you deserve the least of their love whom to blame?