
G o l d e n c a n D l e

When the invited guests came for the  royal style lunch at king's palace... that being prepared for that special occasion. One lady among them was continuously starring  on to the south corner of the dining hall. Noticing that the arranger asked her in curiosity  "Do you need anything madam?" "From where the dim golden light coming out from?" The gentle lady asked. after listening to her... Arranger replied with a smile : It's our king's hand made candles that enhancing the beauty of this dining hall.

s m i l e

In this very exaggerated & moving world of us, it now costs more to be a smiled soul though in before times the smile  was a part of the daily lives but now  we have to pay a very big amount for it. I agree that some get it free but  for the non-stop working bodies  it cost more than our imagination. Nowadays people even go to  the psychotherapists to learn  how to Lough and smile on there own. Is not it strange? Be restful Be patient towards yourself  smile a little smile an enough:)

B u t t e r f l y

She is like the butterfly... soft shiney & independent on her own world  she never thought to harm she never looked back she kept moving like the butterfly from one flower to another despite of being so beautiful she never ever the self-importance she kept spreading the love from one heart to another.

F e a t h ë r

who said that saint's don't love? who said monks don't feel? who said that the night aghories burnt their hearts? It's all false. The saint's love is eternal and not materialistic. He loves the souls  the rivers and the feathers of  the home coming birds. The monk feels the realistic pains  the sorrows of the human creature  not only in the personal basis rather  on the wide creation basis. He feels the tear full eyes of  the starving stomach  the bloody wound of the street dogs  and the unspoken words of the dumb. The Aghories have the most sweet and soft heart in the universe. That's why they Eat only the left over of the graveyard. The fear to kill any innocent lives for their sustain.

k i t e

Like the kite... fly high in the sky But always remember  the core position of your master. The more the kite travels the less he fears to wind The high he sees the sky the down he took out the journey. The happiness he carry  with the wide feathers the hope of flying smoothly the smile he brought into the passion it turns towards:)

D a r k B e a s t

By following the bloddy footsteps  from the narrow road of deep jungle I can't find her... she was hidden somewhere among  on her favorite places it's quite impossible to find a beast like her  on the terrified mountains yet we "me and my sword" got lucky  by capturing the last end of her  prolonged red gown. she tried to escape as she tasted the human blood but with all the power of my marrow I successfully captured the dark beast

J u n g l e L a n t e r n

with the tiny light and a vast heart I come out from my jungle hut  to enlighten the nature's beauty Though I'm very small creature  in compare to the wild animals still I learned the animal language  from the late night chineese traveler  I fear less now.. I'm strong and determined to ultimately enhance the beauty  of this dark jungle:)