
Showing posts from August, 2020

k i n g : a waiting..:)

After the light goes come in the little dark,my king i will be there waiting for you  on the less dark hut of my ancestral kingdom. though, a lamp will be with me to enlight  the dying vein of mine,don't be late. alas, i will have nothing to offer you  except my worth that i kept for you only. My majesty be kind to enter through the back gate of my place  i fear for the after-gossip of your cruel people. I belive in my love and trust more on your promises  I hope all will happen accordingly to the last extent of  my virtual illusio of being with you on the night of spring .. My king come soon I'm waiting in the last kingdom:)

w o r d s of s o u l:)

He frightened to loose  the smile on their faces whom smiling reason is him. He try to forget those nightmares those unintentionally  craving his core. He stepped out to  the cruel & miserable world  to show case his inner kindness. He wrote down the pain list that  he always get while spreading the love. He somehow trying  to be happy again &  to live those golden days of his life:)

t a l e OF t r u t h:)

A magnificent journey  from being nothing to the core of  a developing organization.  she alone successfully proved her worth  in the never-ending rush of corporate competition. she had her life dreams with her that push her soul  to enlighten more in the dramatic change  of knowledge to politics.  she never looked back  after the horizontal demise of her  not millionaire father.  she packed all including the leftover ashes of her father,  from the village graveyard and never looked back. But yes,  sometimes she thanks to the original soil breaking motivations,  that once she acquired from her beloved village. .......continue:)

i m a g i n e W o r l d

Shaping the unshaped truths intentionally wearing the grand lies I have headed... to the north tip of the imagined world  to conquer over my mistakes  with the help of the little strength of mine.   That I have been blessed  from the god light  that used to pass through my soul  to the dark corner of my heart:)

h O p e:)

Somewhere in the hidden treasures  of tribe civilization. I will definitely find  the god-healing rays that  in-certain will vanish  all my wounds that  I have been gifted by thy loveable people of mine. I wonder,  I must find there the god itself. Because it's ancestral believe that the life-giving water flows  of the jungle river often carry  the holy particles of God.

t h o u g h T:)

Walking in the unknown paths & leading to somewhere not predestined... He thought of the miserable past  that kept digging  his inner worth very tough. He wasn't sure  about his unimaginable forward steps. Yet, he kept moving  in the not so attractive way of destiny. Alas,  luck in his case is so destructive that even  He can't remember the last time he lough freely from his hearT :)

s t r e e t s Of k o l k a t a[বাংলা র রাস্তা ]

The silent amazement of  arranged rush those walk along  with the northern wind in the wide colorful streets of Kolkata. The dark beauty of  the evening horizon that glow  even more with the rays of  home going sun. The fresh feel of  the corporate tired workers  that they show while bargaining  with the small vegetable vendors. The crispy smell of fried stuffs & nonveg buffet on the road side stalls. The combination of  sweet & sour environment  that pour more charm in to  the thoughts of the viewer, all you gonna find in the  british streets of Kolkata.

b i r t H s o i l

The together spent moments  in the birth soil of the village ground  is still shining there  on the flat corner of young hearts. May the growing souls  haven't a lot of time to look back  on those happy spent moments. But yet, the spark of  returning back to the heaven  is still growing with their age. Because the birth soil  is something so priceless feel  that one individual couldn't vanish  the golden moments  from the sixth sense:)

i n t i m a c y

Intimacy has no caste no religion &  no condition of unseen restrictions lines. It's the smooth feel that  the heart utter to the other's heart  while the eyes saw each other's core. It's the collision of  the too young souls those merged intentionally without the agreement of the body It's the unsaid words  that need no medium to  being conveyed between  the two love birds. It's the utmost heaven of  the world free feeling  that has no certain premises  of burden or worry.

m o t h e r : unconditional love.

Seeing the happiness  on my mother's face  I forgot the pain &  the miserable workout that I had to do. With the relaxing &  emotion full words of her...  I feel like my soul  is in the utmost heaven. The soft cuddle of her,  in my forehead is like  a worry vanishing magic tool that  I always love to have with me. The sad horizon that she wears on my returning journey is still the big and sad thing that I will never be wanted to experience:)

h i d d N f e e l

I have hidden feeling-bees that entitled to my last heart-vein They're waiting for thy command of my smooth brain-corner I don't know exactly the intensity of their emotions or the root origin cause, yet.. Ever ready to outburst infront of you, with or without any  artificial global condition...:)

d e S i r e:)

I want... a world that has no end a sea that has vast beauty a wine that has the world-class taste an evening that has romantic wind flows a view that has everlasting capacity a pool that has open arms for us a sight that has decorated especially for us an auspicious moment  with and only with you my lOve:_)

f r e e W i n g:)

a burden that walking along with my brittle soul... I have thrown out. a paralysed mindset that always been a obstacle... I have crossed out. a not worthy people-circle that pulled my way of exploring new world... I have left out. a thought that diverse my range of imagination... I have burnt out.

a s s u m p t i o n

The truth will go down  to the deep of earth &  will stay forever with  the unwanted leftover of mine. I have secrets.. I have scars.. & pains. all will be buried there  behind the funeral cover. I will be there  witnessing  all happenings all sorrows &  all those emotion full tears:)

s e A m e m o r i S:)

With the glittering sound waves... she can feel the romantic unique aroma of  their togetherness that they spent while on a vacation  to the so popular sea of tamilnadu. she tried to find  the same amazement  on those live full sands those were  the parts of their celebration that night. the evening wind  was still carrying the smell of him  that her soul can feel even in his absence. with hopeful eyes, she was waiting for him....:)

siR R a m a n u j a n:)

a vast mind that  get polished in the heavy stone  baranda of his favourite goddess. a number player  who struggled even to arrange a job  on the British Era of ancient India. a great mathematician  who proclaimed his worth by himself travelling a long distance  from Madras to the London. a not well trained student  who gave a much important &  most used "Infinite Series"  to the world of calculation.

f r i e N d s h i p

a relation that has no DNA identity a feel that requires no proved reasons to be originate. a tale that blows all superstition a merged blend of pure affection that shows the colour of utmost originality a water flow of Himalaya that needs no specified direction a ancient dramatic play that runs without any legal director a heaven that intentionally being gifted to the humans by the almighty. a relation that has no DNA identity a feel that requires no proved reasons to be originate. a tale that blows all superstition a merged blend of pure affection that shows the colour of utmost originality a water flow of Himalaya that needs no specified direction a ancient dramatic play that runs without any legal director a heaven that intentionally being gifted to the humans by the almighty.

p a S t:)

while looking back  on to the wide ways of the past.. I found....  many sweet and golden moments. the heart-vein like a place my village. the live full care of my grandmother  who walked away to heaven  leaving tons of memory. the restless school hour that  I enjoyed myself while obeying. the rare spent moments  with my beloved mother  nowadays I miss so much. the silence awakening whisper of my soul.

d o l o r [p a i N]

the inherent dark vocals of  worldwide shouting has it's  own rhythm that attracts  the dead souls those moving  on the live full bodies. the silent moves of  being out of the crowd is  somewhere letting them very deep to  a place like hell. the postmortem  that taking place only  on the shake of being  undreamt happiness is  costing more than  the whole civilization thought of.

P e a c Ë

whenever she opens her eyes she sees the beautiful vast blue sky that was there even before  her ancestral civilization. a super proclaimed layer  that keeps covering  the whole humans without asking  any intentional favor. whenever she stuck in  human difficulties  she just closes her eyes to  letting know her pains to  the utmost almighty who's omnipresent a body less light  that always showing the right path  to the struggling souls like her :)

h i g h W a y:)

on the wide highways  of western odisha while  heading towards the remarkable  stone architecture village, she stopped on the middle way to steal a glance of  the golden afternoon sun of  the last winter of that year. with in a moment  she looked a guy with  his old royal Enfield & through the eyes of the gentleman she reached to  the soft corner of his heart. witnessing all those happenings  the cool wind blew with taking the  romantic moment with him:)


on the last mountain  I will be waiting for you  to say you the pains  I'm taking on my little heart at the countryside river  I will be waiting for you  to whisper my difficulties. on the edge of your town I will be waiting to let you know the sorrows of my tearful eyes. finally at the old graveyard I will be waiting for your touch to enroll in the pure salivation of true love.

i n d e p e n d e n c e d a Y

a new day of the Era that took a new sunrise after the 200 years of slavery... a auspicious day of happiness that being archived by giving the utmost peace efforts. a dream that came true with the incomparable sacrifices of the freedom fighters. a feel of freedom that being tasted after  the unforgettable pains and tears. a war that we won  with no guns or boms just by the truthful words and by the patience of  the freedom fighters. wishing you all a very "Happy independence day 💖"
v i v i f  i e d Fantacy :) that immense love full drops from your sweet lips  running through my every hard vein & making them smooth and realistic to the upper dilemma of romance. my darling... come closer to my worth  I wanna go through your deliverance beauty  to everlast my years before the seen dream. my love...  the way you came out of the blue pool of  the desert's last safari is still  a vivified view of emerged fantasy. come and merge on my soul  let me taste the running sweet drops from your wet lips:)

D E S i R E :}

I want... a world that has no end a sea that has vast beauty a wine that has the world-class taste an evening that has romantic wind flows a view that has everlasting capacity a pool that has open arms for us a sight that has decorated especially for us an auspicious moment  with and only with you my lOve:_)

f r e e W i n g:)

a burden that walking along with my brittle soul... I have thrown out. a paralyzed mindset that always been an obstacle... I have crossed out. a not worthy people-circle that pulled my way of exploring a new world... I have left out. a thought that diverse my range of imagination... I have burnt out.

a s s u m p t i o n...

The truth will go down  to the deep of earth &  will stay forever with  the unwanted leftover of mine. I have secrets.. I have scars.. & pains. all will be buried there  behind the funeral cover. I will be there  witnessing  all happenings all sorrows &  all those emotion full tears:)

c r O w n

While passing through  the old bridges of the kingdom she saw her old memories  flowing on the too cold blue water of  the river connecting her heart she whispered, murmured &  eagerly wanted to touch once  to the live flow of the river but Alas...  the unwanted diamond crown  generally, don't let a QUEEN  to hear the voice of her HearT:)